Monday, December 7, 2009

Computer Systems

We know that a computer is a type of a programmable machine that can respond to a specifc set of instructions in a well - defined manner. We also know that it is one of the major contributors of our "Digital World" as it can process systems of almost any kind with a computer.

So it is essential that we know what comprises a typical computer system:

1.) Hardware - It refers to the physical (tangible) components of the system. They can be categorized as either Input Devices (such as Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner) and Output Devices (such as Monitor, Printers).
2.) Software - It is basically referred as a computer program. It instructs the computer on how to operate the computer. Examples of which are your Operating System (such as Windows) and you also have application software (such as Microsoft Office, PC games).
3.) Peopleware - Generally referred as an end - user, they are the ones who basically operate the computer.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The Chair Chronicles


This is my first post under my blog....

Over the next days, I'll be posting blogs about reviews, forums, and even discussions that has something to do with Information and Communication Technology....

My goal is to share my knowledge to the users out there about that fascinating "Digital World"....

'Til then....

See Ya....